Contact us

Here at Nationwide Fleet Installations, we do all we can to make life easier for our clients. Whether you need the right vehicle technology installations to make your fleet of vehicles FORS and DVS compliant or you want the latest onboard cameras to protect your staff and assets, we like to keep things simple. That even applies to getting in touch with us in the first place.

You can send us a message by sending an email to or by using the contact form below. Our inbox is checked frequently throughout our regular office hours, and you can expect a call back as soon as possible to discuss your requirements.


Face to face

If you wish to speak to someone face to face, we will be happy to visit your office to discuss the matter. If you prefer to arrange a meeting at our head office in Manchester, you are welcome to do so. You can find us at Nationwide Service Care, Unit F2A, Nasmyth Business Park, James Nasmyth Way, Patricroft, Manchester, M30 0SN.

By phone